在健身房,在办公室,或在离家数英里的地方,Roon ARC让您可以远程访问您的艺术家、专辑、播放列表和标签的完整资料库。
With the introduction of Roon 2.0 we’re delighted to announce Roon ARC – a completely new app designed from the ground up to give you all of your music, everywhere you go.
Powered by your Roon library at home, Roon ARC becomes your very own, custom-built, super-powerful streaming service.

Roon ARC让您可以远程访问您完整的、个性化的艺术家、专辑、播放列表和标签库--由丰富、深入的元数据支持,激发您发现更多您喜爱的音乐。

ARC与苹果的CarPlay以及Android Auto兼容,因此您在旅途中也能获得Roon的体验。使用您的汽车信息娱乐系统上的触摸屏和物理控制,安全地控制您的音乐库。

Choosing albums and playlists to download can be surprisingly challenging! Let ARC's Smart Downloads feature do it for you. It automatically pulls recently played favorites, new discoveries, go-to playlists, and forgotten gems from your local library, then rotates those selections weekly to keep things interesting. With Smart Downloads, you'll always have fresh listening options - without lifting a finger.

Roon ARC令人惊叹的设计得到了Roon丰富的元数据的支持,因此无论您身在何处,都可以继续您身临其境的音乐发现之旅。
您可以利用Roon Radio、New Releases For You和Daily Mixes等熟悉的功能在移动中扩展您的资料库,并建立以您最喜爱的发现为特色的播放列表。