Roon for music professionals
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Music is made by people working together.

Roon is an app for your Mac or PC that gathers and identifies all your streaming and personal music files and makes magic with them. Roon collects all the information about recordings, musicians, and production and turns it into a connected tapestry that illuminates the relationships that make music happen.

Whether you're a songwriter looking for inspiration, a producer referencing your mixes against the classics, a musician learning more about your influences, or a DJ compiling an epic set loaded with forgotten grooves, Roon gives you the best tools for listening, discovery, and exploration.

Metadata made musical
Rich information

Roon is a music encyclopedia that’s come to life. The first thing you see when you open Roon is a rich interface filled with metadata and images… album reviews, artist, performer, and composer bios, genre and label articles, lyrics, tour dates, and detailed recording credits.

A vast trove of incisive music facts, sourced and cross-referenced from a select pool of authoritative commercial and crowdsourced data sets, are applied to your library and hundreds of millions of streaming tracks.

Context through linking

Roon goes beyond just showing you added information; it transforms it into an expansive landscape of indexes and links. All the data presented is woven into a surfable, searchable interface that brings new power to music browsing - building connections that help you explore your collection and beyond like never before. 

Roon does this for all your local music files and the massive streaming libraries of Qobuz, TIDAL, and KKBOX. 

A tool for exploration
Spectacular search

All of the metadata in Roon is searchable, meaning a Roon search goes far beyond albums, artists, and track titles. It includes composers, compositions, performers, producers, labels, genres, sub-genres, and more.

Roon search looks at your local music files plus all the content available on streaming services for an all-encompassing view of your music collection and new favorites awaiting discovery.


Focus is a Roon feature that goes way beyond Search. It's a tool that enables multi-parameter filtration, making discovery and exploration an inspiring musical journey.

For example, you could create a Focus that shows you all the performances of a violin concerto by a particular soloist on a given label during a specific time period. You can trace the career arc of a producer who worked on one of your favorite albums, or follow the trajectory of a sax legend through a maze of hard-bop classics. 

Focus provides limitless browsing and exploration avenues.


Find every performance of a song or composition ever recorded and listen to them all side by side. Spark inspiration for your own interpretations of repertoire.


Explore the production and engineering personnel behind classic recordings and discover who made a recording feel and sound the way it does - all while enjoying the best possible sound quality.


Flex Roon’s digital crate-digging superpowers to unearth tracks you've never heard. Roon is the perfect way to expand the scope and diversity of your sets.

Manage files & streams
Files on your drives

While consumer listening may have shifted to streaming, professionals still rely on files. Roon supports a comprehensive range of file types (WAV, AIFF, FLAC, ALAC, MP3, AAC, etc) in any sample rate and format (768kHz PCM, DSD512, MQA).

It scans and identifies your files to match metadata and learn dynamic range but never changes them in any way. So, your file library is at your fingertips, completely secure, and universally compatible.

Roon supports libraries of any size, so even if you have a quarter million tracks, you're covered. It can also "watch" as many folders as you like on internal, external, and NAS drives - or even other machines on your network - in real-time.

Streaming content

The biggest music libraries on the planet are on the streaming services. Every day, Roon ingests the entire streaming catalogs of TIDAL, Qobuz, and KKBOX and pairs it with up-to-date metadata, then links all of it to your library for a world of musical possibilities.

Have a song that you love in your library? Roon will take you through that artist's discography with context and meaning, as well as letting you explore all the covers and remixes out there. Want to explore all the performances of a solo you're learning… in Roon they're a single click away. 

An entire galaxy of interconnected and overlapping musical trajectories is yours to pursue.

With an extensive catalog featuring exclusive releases and early access to albums, TIDAL provides a unique and immersive music experience. Their commitment to artist-friendly initiatives lets you enjoy music in high quality (MQA and lossless FLAC) while directly supporting the artists who create it.

Qobuz caters to music lovers seeking the ultimate sonic experience. With a large library of high-resolution FLAC content and the most extensive coverage of classical and jazz repertoire, Qobuz lets you stream as well as purchase high-resolution music in a variety of formats and encodings.

KKBOX is a dynamic music streaming service that caters to the diverse tastes of music enthusiasts in Asia. With an extensive catalog spanning global music genres, languages, and regional artists, KKBOX offers a unique platform for exploration and discovering the region's best emerging talent.

Infintely flexible playback
In the studio

Roon supports more playback options than any music player out there. Use the computer running Roon, connected USB DACs or interfaces, patch ARC into your board, or stream over your network to thousands of compatible devices - including high-resolution Roon Ready, AirPlay, Chromecast, Squeezebox, Sonos, and others.

Check your mixes in the control room, then check them again on the TV in the lobby - or that weird Bluetooth speaker in the breakroom. Show your client their content on an iPad, complete with metadata and artwork, and let them control playback to the output of their choice.

At home

Roon lets you play all your music – both commercial releases and your own works-in-progress – on nearly any device that can make sound. Listen to your music on all the different audio devices you have around your home, and feel confident that you're getting the best possible sound quality each device is capable of.

On the go

Roon's companion app – Roon ARC – lets you access your library from your phone when you're on the go or away from your pro gear.

Whether you want to audition your mixes in the car, let a friend check out a track you're working on, or quickly add a new song to your library while you're on the road, ARC is the tool that lets you do it.

ARC features the same MUSE audio engine that powers Roon, delivering robust pro-grade DSP wherever you go.

The ultimate in sound quality
Bit-perfect playback

Roon ensures that the audio signal from a source file or stream is reproduced exactly as it was recorded, without any loss of quality or alteration of the signal. Our MUSE audio engine supports bit-perfect playback of lossless and lossy file formats, including high-resolution audio content like PCM and DSD, in stereo and multichannel.

To deliver bit-perfect playback, Roon checks your audio hardware's capabilities and adjusts its settings accordingly. This includes modifying sample rate and bit depth to match the hardware's specifications and ensuring that audio is transmitted using the desired protocol, such as ASIO or WASAPI.

MUSE DSP engine

Our MUSE Precision Audio Control suite lets you adjust your sound to better suit your listening environment by correcting for room acoustics, optimizing speaker placement, and refining the sound to personal preferences.

MUSE delivers personalized sound shaping with parametric and procedural EQ, volume leveling, upsampling, room correction, convolution, headphone crossfeed, and more. It’s compatible with PCM, MQA, or DSD content and all supported audio devices.

Signal path

Signal Path provides you with a detailed and transparent view of any audio processing that occurs between your music source and playback device. That insight helps you understand the impact of processing steps on sound quality and enables you to make informed decisions about signal optimization.

It also acts as a diagnostic tool, allowing you to quickly identify audio processing issues. This can include correcting sample rate conversion snags, resolving problems with your audio hardware, and ensuring proper processing configuration across your signal chain.